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Incense and Fragrances

Quality Hand-Made Incense Enhances the Sweet Fragrance of Prayer
Eastern Orthodox services are very ritualistic with emphasis placed on symbols like religious icons which are venerated by the congregation. To an outsider, an Orthodox Church service looks very grand with the flowing patterned robes worn by the priests and bishops conducting the service, gold and silver crosses and candleholders, and the heady scent of incense smoke wafting across the church.
Special Significance
It may not be known that the incense used during an Orthodox service has a lot of significance because the sweet fragrant smoke it supposed to represent the blessing of the Holy Spirit, the prayers and chanting of the church members going up towards Heaven. Using good quality incense for churches is sometimes difficult, but church supply organizations like Istok Church Supplies, the Calgary-based suppliers, are in a position to supply varied quality of incense for the Orthodox Church along with the incense burners or censers.
Intense Fragrances
They have a whole list of censers available from the ordinary brass or bronze items to the very expensive and exquisite censers which are decorated with enamel, jewels along with gold and silver gilding. However, when it comes to selecting a church fragrance for sale, Istok Church Supplies have several types of incense fragrances one offer including the famous Mt. Athos Monastery incense, which is produced by the monastery using techniques that date back hundreds of years.
Hand-Made Quality Products 
All in all, Istok offers around thirty five different fragrances which are made with traditional ingredients like essential and scented oils. When it comes to choosing a special aroma for the incense for the Orthodox Church, Istok Church Supplies have on offer Lebanese cedar frankincense, hand-made New Phivaida incense with aromas of Holy vine, Lilac, Lavender, Night flower, and Rose from the Monastery on the Holy Mountain in Russia.


Monastery New Phivaida incense (from the Holy Mountain) Fragrance Festal incense (from Mount Athos)
SKU: LA-09
SKU: LA-51-AP15
SKU: LA-03-AX-50
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