Home - Church Vestments - Altar Boy Robes - Child Sticharions (White-Gold)
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Child Sticharions (White-Gold)

Assisting clergy and serving at the altar is a matter of great honor for any young, devout Orthodox Christian boy. Altar servers have a dress code that must be strictly adhered to while discharging their duties. They are required to wear simplified versions of clergy sticharions made from ecclesiastical fabrics. Istok Church Supplies has a great collection of child sticharions in white and gold combination that are perfect for visualizing the glory and Kingship of God. 
White: A Symbol of Purity
In Orthodox Christian tradition, the color white is normally associated with feasts and days of our Lord Jesus Christ, such as Transfiguration, Epiphany and Pascha and other. We offer top quality white and gold child sticharions in three material options – metal jacquard brocade, rayon jacquard brocade in various classes and Chinese rayon silk. No matter which class material you choose, you can be assured of high quality and affordable prices. Our child sticharions are in the alb style and come with closed sides as is prescribed for non-tonsured representatives. 
Adorn your altar Server Robes
A sticharion is the only adornment allowed for altar servers. To make it attractive, we provide three distinct decoration options – standard, premier and luxury. For standard type, we provide economical trimmings and crosses. Premier type includes high quality galloons and machine embroidered crosses in traditional styles. For luxury style, we provide ornate hand embroidered crosses and solid jacquard galloons. You can rest assured that the product will be attractive, durable and rich in appearance. 
Bespoke Tailoring Services
We specialize in custom work and offer perfectly fitting white and gold child sticharions rendered by our master ecclesiastical tailors in Europe. Orders must be accompanied by a submission of your exact individual measurements. Customers can take a look at our measurement chart for guidance in this matter. 
It takes us three to five weeks during normal period and six to eight weeks during peak season to stitch individual orders. We strongly suggest you place your orders well in advance to receive them in time for any special event. 


Child stikharion (alb) - rayon brocade S2 (white-gold) Child stikharion (alb) - rayon brocade S3 (white-gold) Child stikharion (alb) - rayon brocade S4 (white-gold)
SKU: VE-480S2-WG
SKU: VE-480S3-WG
SKU: VE-480S4-WG
Our price: US$119.99 (CAD$165.59)
Market price: US$160.00 , save 25%

Our price: US$127.99 (CAD$176.63)
Market price: US$170.00 , save 25%

Our price: US$142.99 (CAD$197.33)
Market price: US$190.00 , save 25%

Child stikharion (alb) - metallic brocade B (white-gold) Child stikharion (alb) - metallic brocade BG1 (white-gold) Child stikharion (alb) - metallic brocade BG2 (white-gold)
SKU: VE-480B1-WG
Our price: US$154.99 (CAD$213.89)
Market price: US$210.00 , save 26%

Our price: US$183.99 (CAD$253.91)
Market price: US$250.00 , save 26%

Our price: US$218.99 (CAD$302.21)
Market price: US$290.00 , save 24%

Child stikharion (alb) - rayon Chinese brocade (white-gold) Child stikharion (alb) - metallic brocade BG3 (white-gold) Child stikharion (alb) - metallic brocade BG4 (white-gold)
Our price: US$236.99 (CAD$327.05)
Market price: US$320.00 , save 26%

Our price: US$299.99 (CAD$413.99)
Market price: US$400.00 , save 25%

Our price: US$377.99 (CAD$521.63)
Market price: US$500.00 , save 24%