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Souvenirs & Gifts

 Istok Church Supplies presents a great selection of souvenirs and handmade gifts that are suitable for a wide variety of occasions including holidays, festivals and celebrations. From games, clothing accessories, Paschal bags to depictions of your favorite icon, souvenirs and portrait embroidery, we have everything to cover your gifting requirements. 
Gifts for Pascha
Pascha (Easter) holds special significance for Orthodox Christians. It is about Christ’s passion, His death, His Resurrection and ultimately His glorification - observing Pascha is a way of affirming our faith in Eternal Life. Share your sentiments by gifting paschal bags that can be used to store Paschal (Easter) eggs and koulich. Browse through our collection to find oil vigil lamps designed with a depiction of exquisite filigree Paschal eggs – wonderful souvenir and handmade gifts for Pascha!
For someone you know very closely, you may gift a silk screen icon such as the one of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker that you’ll find in our catalogue. Everything from the lighting to the color and even the facial expressions of the Saint’s face are etched in keeping with traditions. We also have an excellent collection of utilitarian gifts including high quality copper napkin holders, sweet holders, visiting card holders and scoops featuring filigree work and silver gilding. 
Any Time Souvenirs
When it comes to decorative souvenirs, customers can choose from varied items such as souvenir fir trees, souvenir eggs, souvenir apples, souvenir bird and souvenir apples – all of which have special symbolism in the Orthodox Christian faith. You’ll also find an extensive selection of portrait embroideries that draw from symbols of the Orthodox faith and would be perfect to adorn walls. 
Gifts for All Ages
We also have gift items for children as young as five years old. Our desk games provide many hours of entertainment can be perfect gift items on your child’s naming ceremony when you would invite all your relatives and family to join in the festivities. Christmas or Pascha, naming ceremony or just because – you can trust Istok Church Supplies for unique and reasonably priced Orthodox Christian gifts and souvenirs. 


Christmas kitchen towel - 1 Christmas kitchen towel - 2 Holy Land gifts: Wax panel Crucifixion
SKU: RC-0582
SKU: RC-1986
SKU: VA-157
Our price: US$7.99 (CAD$11.03)
Market price: US$20.00 , save 60%

Our price: US$7.99 (CAD$11.03)
Market price: US$20.00 , save 60%

Our price: US$8.99 (CAD$12.41)
Market price: US$20.00 , save 55%

Christian souvenir bell - 8850 Tablecloth Chamomile Christian souvenir bell - 1422
SKU: BVC-8850
SKU: RC-022/62793A
SKU: BVC-1422
Our price: US$15.99 (CAD$22.07)
Market price: US$30.00 , save 47%

Our price: US$17.99 (CAD$24.83)
Market price: US$30.00 , save 40%

Our price: US$18.99 (CAD$26.21)
Market price: US$30.00 , save 37%

Christian souvenir bell - 1437 Christian souvenir bell - 5778 Christian souvenir bell - 7051
SKU: BVC-1437
SKU: BVC-5778
SKU: BVC-7051
Our price: US$18.99 (CAD$26.21)
Market price: US$30.00 , save 37%

Our price: US$18.99 (CAD$26.21)
Market price: US$30.00 , save 37%

Our price: US$18.99 (CAD$26.21)
Market price: US$30.00 , save 37%

Christian souvenir bell - 7252 Christian souvenir bell - 8713 Christian souvenir bell - 8849
SKU: BVC-7252
SKU: BVC-8713
SKU: BVC-8849
Our price: US$18.99 (CAD$26.21)
Market price: US$30.00 , save 37%

Our price: US$18.99 (CAD$26.21)
Market price: US$30.00 , save 37%

Our price: US$18.99 (CAD$26.21)
Market price: US$30.00 , save 37%
