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Orthodox hand-painted icons

Authentically hand-painted icons in the ancient traditional technology.


Icon: Holy Great Martyr Barbara - PS2 (2.4''x3.1'' (6x8 cm)) Icon: Most Holy Theotokos of the Passion - S Icon: Most Holy Theotokos of the Passion - S2
SKU: IC-507957
SKU: ICS-469-990-Sm
SKU: ICS-470-000-Sm
Our price: US$207.99 (CAD$287.03)
Market price: US$280.00 , save 26%

Our price: US$249.99 (CAD$344.99)
Market price: US$390.00 , save 36%

Our price: US$249.99 (CAD$344.99)
Market price: US$390.00 , save 36%

Icon: Most Holy Theotokos of the Rich Mountain - S2 Icon: Most Holy Theotokos of the Passion - S2 Icon: Holy Great Martyr St. George the Winner - PS3 (5.1''x6.3'' (13x16 cm))
SKU: ICS-472-570-Sm
SKU: ICS-462-350-Sm
SKU: IC-511027
Our price: US$249.99 (CAD$344.99)
Market price: US$390.00 , save 36%

Our price: US$264.99 (CAD$365.69)
Market price: US$420.00 , save 37%

Our price: US$315.99 (CAD$436.07)
Market price: US$420.00 , save 25%

Icon: Holy Martyr St. John the Warrior - PS1 (5.1''x6.3'' (13x16 cm)) Icon: Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon - PS2 (5.1''x6.3'' (13x16 cm)) Icon: Holy Martyr Angelina of Serbia - PS1 (5.1''x6.3'' (13x16 cm))
SKU: IC-506081
SKU: IC-508796
SKU: IC-505584
Our price: US$327.99 (CAD$452.63)
Market price: US$430.00 , save 24%

Our price: US$329.99 (CAD$455.39)
Market price: US$430.00 , save 23%

Our price: US$329.99 (CAD$455.39)
Market price: US$430.00 , save 23%

Icon: Holy Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Thebroniya - PS3 (5.1''x6.3'' (13x16 cm)) Icon: Holy Martyr Great Princess Olga - PS1 (5.1''x6.3'' (13x16 cm)) Icon: Holy Nina Equal-to-the-Apostles - PS1
SKU: IC-508655
SKU: IC-501424
SKU: IC-5032291
Our price: US$332.99 (CAD$459.53)
Market price: US$440.00 , save 24%

Our price: US$340.99 (CAD$470.57)
Market price: US$450.00 , save 24%

Our price: US$340.99 (CAD$470.57)
Market price: US$450.00 , save 24%
