Home - Church Vestments - Clergy Sticharions - Clergy Sticharions (White-Silver)
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Clergy Sticharions (White-Silver)

For clergy stikharions that perfectly fit your body and mind, Istok Church Supplies offers high-quality solutions at affordable prices. Our white-silver clergy stikharions are elaborate, richly decorated and adhere to Orthodox Christian traditions for liturgical worship. 
Stikharions in Lavish Fabrics
Stikharion is a special outer garment that is worn by all ranks of clergy. We understand its significance as a garment of salvation and joy and strive to ensure that the wearer feels covered by the Grace of the Holy Spirit while wearing one of our white-silver clergy stikharions. In our collection, you’ll find clergy stikharions in lavish fabrics such as rayon jacquard brocade, metallic jacquard brocade and natural German velvet. We offer a wide variety of brocade patterns ranging from simple to intricate and customers can choose according to their church needs and liturgical requirements. Our clergy stikharions are open-sided as is the rule for tonsured persons.
Options for Customization
Our white-silver clergy stikarions are suitable for all liturgical seasons and events, but have special significance when worn on days honoring the Lord and Angels. Each of our white-silver clergy stikharions comes with 100% natural rayon lining for added comfort and durability. In addition to this, customers can add natural velvet inserts to their order at an additional cost. We also offer three styles of decoration – economy, premier and luxury. Decoration includes crosses and galloons – customers can choose the economy style which is provided free of cost or upgrade to premium or luxury style for an additional cost. 
Place Your Bespoke Order Online
With our direct marketing e-commerce business model, customers can access our collection 24/7. We strive to provide a superior user experience and fulfill requirements efficiently. Each product comes with a close-up image that can be viewed from different angles and valuable information to help customers make well-informed decisions. We specialize in providing custom-tailored vestments and have a team of experienced ecclesiastical tailors who execute orders with dedication, skill and respect to time-honored traditions. 
We hope you enjoy our collection and find exactly what you are looking for!


Clergy stikharion - rayon brocade S2 (white-silver) Clergy stikharion - rayon brocade S3 (white-silver) Clergy stikharion - rayon brocade S4 (white-silver)
SKU: VE-400S2-WS
SKU: VE-400S3-WS
SKU: VE-400S4-WS
Our price: US$169.99 (CAD$234.59)
Market price: US$230.00 , save 26%

Our price: US$177.99 (CAD$245.63)
Market price: US$240.00 , save 26%

Our price: US$189.99 (CAD$262.19)
Market price: US$260.00 , save 27%

Clergy stikharion - metallic brocade B (white-silver) Clergy stikharion - metallic brocade BG1 (white-silver) Clergy stikharion - metallic brocade BG2 (white-silver)
SKU: VE-400B1-WS
Our price: US$226.99 (CAD$313.25)
Market price: US$300.00 , save 24%

Our price: US$254.99 (CAD$351.89)
Market price: US$340.00 , save 25%

Our price: US$294.99 (CAD$407.09)
Market price: US$390.00 , save 24%

Clergy stikharion - German velvet (white-silver) Clergy stikharion - metallic brocade BG3 (white-silver) Clergy stikharion - metallic brocade BG4 (white-silver)
Our price: US$377.99 (CAD$521.63)
Market price: US$500.00 , save 24%

Our price: US$383.99 (CAD$529.91)
Market price: US$510.00 , save 25%

Our price: US$453.99 (CAD$626.51)
Market price: US$600.00 , save 24%

Clergy stikharion - metallic brocade BG5 (white-silver) Clergy stikharion - metallic brocade BG6 (white-silver)
Our price: US$584.99 (CAD$807.29)
Market price: US$780.00 , save 25%

Our price: US$797.99 (CAD$1101.23)
Market price: US$1060.00 , save 25%