Home - Church Chandeliers

Church Chandeliers

Presenting Church Chandeliers from Istok
From ancient times to the modern, people have been drawn to ‘light’ as the harbinger of new beginnings, even as it chases away the darkness. When you choose a lighting system for the Church, we know you do not want it to be atoo-bright affair. That can distract your congregation or may take away from the importance of the sermon and while commemorating certain specialoccasions. However, a low-illumination will also not work. You need your congregation to be able to see and distinguish the speaker and look at the Lord as they absorb the sermons and scriptures being read. 
The Purpose of Church Chandeliers
Modern lighting systems allow a synergy between the passionately traditional and technologically modern creations. Intricately carved wall lamps with gilded or gold plated stands are combined with the modern artistry of electrical components that use light to illuminate the surroundings ina way that is natural and pleasing to the onlookers. At Istok, we offer just such products that are a proud amalgamation of the traditional and modern and can transform your Church’slighting needs with itsone-layer Church chandelier horos to the seven layered.
What Istok Offers
At Istok, we understand that sometimes you might want to replace more than one aspect of the Church lightsettings for which you can choose from our Orthodox Church chandeliers for sale. You can use it to make multiple selections for different parts of your church and shine the right kind of light that is natural and pleasing to look at, evenwhile the choir sings praises of the Lord or calls out to the gathered audience to pray for the well-being of everyone.


One-level church chandelier - 11 (36 lights) Greek Orthodox horos - 131 (24 lights) Three-level church chandelier (horos) - 3 (92 lights)

SKU: PA-065-0200
SKU: PAK-131
SKU: PAZ-076
Our price: US$23858.99 (CAD$32925.41)
Market price: US$31500.00 , save 24%

Our price: US$24181.99 (CAD$33371.15)
Market price: US$31930.00 , save 24%

Our price: US$24797.99 US$21078.29 (CAD$29088.04)
Market price: US$32740.00 , save 36%

On Sale On Sale
One-level church chandelier (horos) - 24 lights Two-level church chandelier - 5 (30 lights) Greek Orthodox horos - 156 (18 lights)
SKU: PAZ-104
SKU: PA-085-0116
SKU: PAK-156
Our price: US$25069.99 (CAD$34596.59)
Market price: US$33100.00 , save 24%

Our price: US$25177.99 (CAD$34745.63)
Market price: US$33240.00 , save 24%

Our price: US$25631.99 (CAD$35372.15)
Market price: US$33840.00 , save 24%

Orthodox Church three-level chandelier (36 lights) Five-level church chandelier - 1 (79 lights) Two-level church chandelier - 10 (32 lights)
SKU: PAK-126-3
SKU: PA-002-0003
SKU: PA-056-1786
Our price: US$25933.99 (CAD$35788.91)
Market price: US$34240.00 , save 24%

Our price: US$26673.99 (CAD$36810.11)
Market price: US$35210.00 , save 24%

Our price: US$26808.99 (CAD$36996.41)
Market price: US$35390.00 , save 24%

Four-level church chandelier - 2 (42 lights) Greek Orthodox horos Birds - 148 (32 lights) Greek Orthodox horos Birds - 149 (40 lights)
SKU: PA-029-0095
SKU: PAK-148
SKU: PAK-149
Our price: US$27603.99 (CAD$38093.51)
Market price: US$36440.00 , save 24%

Our price: US$28210.99 (CAD$38931.17)
Market price: US$37240.00 , save 24%

Our price: US$28210.99 (CAD$38931.17)
Market price: US$37240.00 , save 24%
