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Deacon Vestments (Blue-Silver)

An Orthodox Christian Deacon’s official vestments are an enduring symbol of his authority and sacred duties. To help Deacons carry out important religious services to the best of their abilities, Istok Church Supplies offers a broad range of excellent quality Deacon vestments (blue-silver) at amazingly friendly prices. 
Best Quality Fabrics
Our Deacon vestments (blue-silver) are created using best ecclesiastical fabrics such as rayon brocade, metallic brocade and natural German velvet which we procure from around the world. Our Deacon vestments in blue and silver are appropriate for setting the mood and conducting important services in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos, and Virgins. Fabrics are classified into various categories and customers can opt for a different fabric belonging to the same category as per their requirements. 
Choose Your Preferences
We offer several options for customizing orders to accommodate the diverse preferences and budgets of various Orthodox Christian church communities. Deacon vestments (blue-silver) are available as sets comprising of three articles – the sticharion, orarion and epimanika. Orarions are available in four different styles – single, double, ProtoDeacon and Greek-Orthodox. All articles are lined with natural rayon to ensure comfort and longevity. In addition to this, customers can add natural velvet inserts to their orders and select from three decoration styles – standard, premier and luxury. Decorations consist of galloons and crosses – standard style includes simple crosses and inexpensive galloons at no extra cost whereas premier and luxury styles include richly decorative crosses and high quality galloons at an additional cost. 
Personalize Your Order
Our Deacon vestments weigh around two and a half kilos and are available at special discounted prices to make them more affordable to various church communities. We provide custom-tailored Deacon vestments so that they fit the wearer correctly. The key to perfectly fitting vestments is to have the right measurements, so please be sure to send in your exact measurements according to our Measurement Chart. Once we receive your order, our experienced tailors in Europe will begin working on your bespoke order from scratch. Thank you!


Embroidered Deacon vestments - Chrysanthemum (blue-silver) Embroidered Deacon vestments - Iris (blue-silver) Embroidered Deacon vestments - Wattled (blue-silver)
SKU: VE-203-BS
SKU: VE-202-BS
SKU: VE-201-BS
Our price: US$1576.99 (CAD$2176.25)
Market price: US$2090.00 , save 25%

Our price: US$1576.99 (CAD$2176.25)
Market price: US$2090.00 , save 25%

Our price: US$1576.99 (CAD$2176.25)
Market price: US$2090.00 , save 25%